To provide a more detailed answer and address this answer's issue.
In Oracle a column of type "date" is not a number nor a string, it's a "datetime" value with year, month, day, hour, minute and seconds.
The default time is always midnight "00:00:00"
The query:
Select * From bdPedidos Where Data Like '%" + data + "%'"
won't work in all circumstances because a date column is not a string, using "like" forces Oracle to do a conversion from date value to string value.
The string value may be year-month-day-time or month-day-year-time or day-month-year-time, that all depends how a particular Oracle instance has set the parameter NLS_DATE_FORMAT to show dates as strings.
The right way to cover all the possible times in a day is:
Select *
From bdPedidos
Where Data between to_date('" + data + " 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
and to_date('" + data + " 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
where to_char(startDate ,'Mon-YYYY')='Jan-2015';
– Chuppah