Below is my code which is showing as deprecated after I have been updated the Selenium Webdriver version to 3.11.0.
private Wait<WebDriver> mFluentWait(WebDriver pDriver) {
Wait<WebDriver> gWait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(pDriver).withTimeout(100, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.pollingEvery(600, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).ignoring(NoSuchElementException.class);
return gWait;
Showing deprecated warning in withTimeout
and pollingEvery
section in the code.
How can I rewrite this code so that I can remove the deprecated warning.
Since am new to selenium am not sure about the change. Any help will be appreciated.
section in the code is showing as deprecated. When I referred the selenium documents , it is showing in the deprecated lists. So I want to remove the deprecated parts in the code and want to rewrite the method. I think you have understood the difference between the question you mentioned and I have asked. – Erasmoerasmus