There is a comprehensive answer with information on how to get the UpgradeCode using Powershell or VBScript and WMI here: How can I find the Upgrade Code for an installed MSI file?
Below is a quick, basic example using VBScript / COM automation (MSI API, not WMI) and the approach discussed by OP (using the OpenProduct method - the COM equivalent to the Win32 installer function).
As discussed in my comment above, I will just add this little VBScript to do the same as OP does in C++. Note that Windows Installer can be accessed via WMI (Win32_Product object), COM automation and Win32 C++ installer functions.
For some reason the UpgradeCode
for a package appears to not be available directly from the COM API or the Win32 API. Very strange indeed, especially since it is an input parameter to functions like Installer.RelatedProducts - it is not clear in the documentation that the actual call should be RelatedProducts(UpgradeCode)
, but looking in the msi.IDL
you see: StringList* RelatedProducts([in] BSTR UpgradeCode);
The WMI option works, but so does this OpenProduct
call demonstrated below (which is significantly faster and appears safe - WMI is completely read-only as far as I know though - but heaven knows what they are doing "under the hood". Are they spinning up a session object? Or are they reading from a WMI database? WMI does "feels" safer somehow).
The beauty of the below method is that it will apply all transforms that were applied to the product in question at installation time. If you want to write to disk instead of showing message boxes and can't be bothered looking up the docs, here is a similar VBScript that writes package info to a desktop text file: How can I find the product GUID of an installed MSI setup? - quite a bit down the page, just copy a couple of lines and you are message box free).
Note! The script below will create one log file per opened MSI if automatic logging is enabled on the system. As it stands the script will only open one MSI before it exists though (the Exit For
On Error Resume Next ' This "tersified" script has no error handling
Const msiUILevelNone = 2
Set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Set products = installer.ProductsEx("", "", 7)
installer.UILevel = msiUILevelNone ' Suppress GUI (MSI progress dialog)
'Iterate over all MSI packages on the box
For Each product In products
' productcode = product.ProductCode
' name = product.InstallProperty("ProductName")
' version = product.InstallProperty("VersionString")
' pkgcode = product.InstallProperty("PackageCode")
Set session = installer.OpenProduct(product.ProductCode)
upgradecode = session.ProductProperty("UpgradeCode")
MsgBox upgradecode
Set session = Nothing ' Important, close the session (doesn't work in Javascript btw)
Exit For ' End after one iteration (so you don't get a million message boxes)
' Alternatively something like: If i > 4 Then Exit For
Set installer = Nothing
MsgBox "Finished"
I have tried to look in the C++ Win32 installer functions for any other way to retrieve the UpgradeCode, but I can't see anything obvious. The session approach should work in C++ as well, but I am a little apprehensive about the release of handles and resources. I am not properly potty-trained with C++, but know more than enough to be dangerous. Fire In The Hole. Etc...
I wonder if the OP retrieved all packages on the box, or just a single one. I wonder if the timing issues and concurrent session object problems seen with Javascript would strike in C++ as well? I will give it a go I think - someday.
from VBScript to get the UpgradeCode (COM call, different from your C++ call). I suppress the GUI you speak of by setting the UILevel property for the top level installer object. The only other way I found to get the upgrade code is via WMI:Select * from Win32_Property Where Property = 'UpgradeCode'
. And for a specific product code:SELECT * FROM Win32_Property WHERE Property='UpgradeCode' AND ProductCode='{B862B671-59FD-7457-AFA0-C738FB7ABD60}'
. Maybe I should add an answer below with this information - despite it being VBScript. – Botswana