I have a screen with some form, and on submission, I send the request to back-end with axios. After successfully receiving the response, I show a toast with react-toastify. Pretty straight forward screen. However, when I try to test this behavior with an integration test using jest and react testing library, I can't seem to make the toast appear on DOM.
I have a utility renderer like that to render the component that I'm testing with toast container:
import {render} from "@testing-library/react";
import React from "react";
import {ToastContainer} from "react-toastify";
export const renderWithToastify = (component) => (
In the test itself, I fill the form with react-testing-library, pressing the submit button, and waiting for the toast to show up. I'm using mock service worker to mock the response. I confirmed that the response is returned OK, but for some reason, the toast refuses to show up. My current test is as follows:
expect(await screen.findByRole("alert")).toBeInTheDocument();
I'm looking for an element with role alert. But this seems to be not working. Also, I tried doing something like this:
beforeAll(() => {
it("test", () => {
act(() =>
expect(await screen.findByRole("alert")).toBeInTheDocument();
I'm kind of new to JS, and the problem is probably due to asynch nature of both axios and react-toastify, but I don't know how to test this behavior. I tried a lot of things, including mocking timers and running them, mocking timers and advancing them, not mocking them and waiting etc. I even tried to mock the call to toast, but I couldn't get it working properly. Plus this seems like an implementation detail, so I don't think I should be mocking that.
I think the problem is I show the toast after the axios promise is resolved, so timers gets confused somehow.
I tried to search many places, but failed to find an answer.
Thanks in advance.
lib to wait a bit more, in case you did everything else correctly this will be enough for a promise to take effect. Otherwise use RTL'swaitFor
for looser control flow. – Pokorny