I have four UIViews on a UIScrollView (screen divided into quartiles)
On the quartiles, I have a few objects (UIImageViews), on each quartile.
When the user taps the screen, I want to find the closest object to the given CGPoint?
Any ideas?
I have the CGPoint and frame (CGRect) of the objects within each quartile.
(source: skitch.com)
Red Pins are UIImageViews.
// UIScrollView
NSLog(@" UIScrollView: %@", self);
// Here's the tap on the Window in UIScrollView's coordinates
NSLog(@"TapPoint: %3.2f, %3.2f", tapLocation.x, tapLocation.y);
// Find Distance between tap and objects
NSArray *arrayOfCGRrectObjects = [self subviews];
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [arrayOfCGRrectObjects objectEnumerator];
for (UIView *tilesOnScrollView in enumerator) {
// each tile may have 0 or more images
for ( UIView *subview in tilesOnScrollView.subviews ) {
// Is this an UIImageView?
if ( [NSStringFromClass([subview class]) isEqualToString:@"UIImageView"]) {
// Yes, here are the UIImageView details (subView)
NSLog(@"%@", subview);
// Convert CGPoint of UIImageView to CGPoint of UIScrollView for comparison...
// First, Convert CGPoint from UIScrollView to UIImageView's coordinate system for reference
CGPoint found = [subview convertPoint:tapLocation fromView:self];
NSLog(@"Converted Point from ScrollView: %3.2f, %3.2f", found.x, found.y);
// Second, Convert CGPoint from UIScrollView to Window's coordinate system for reference
found = [subview convertPoint:subview.frame.origin toView:nil];
NSLog(@"Converted Point in Window: %3.2f, %3.2f", found.x, found.y);
// Finally, use the object's CGPoint in UIScrollView's coordinates for comparison
found = [subview convertPoint:subview.frame.origin toView:self]; // self is UIScrollView (see above)
NSLog(@"Converted Point: %3.2f, %3.2f", found.x, found.y);
// Determine tap CGPoint in UIImageView's coordinate system
CGPoint localPoint = [touch locationInView:subview];
NSLog(@"LocateInView: %3.2f, %3.2f",localPoint.x, localPoint.y );
//Kalle's code
CGRect newRect = CGRectMake(found.x, found.y, 32, 39);
NSLog(@"Kalle's Distance: %3.2f",[self distanceBetweenRect:newRect andPoint:tapLocation]);
Debug Console
Here's the problem. Each Tile is 256x256. The first UIImageView's CGPoint converted to the UIScrollView's coordinate system (53.25, 399.36) should be dead on with the tapPoint (30,331). Why the difference?? The other point to the right of the tapped point is calculating closer (distance wise)??
<CALayer: 0x706a690>>
[207] TapPoint: 30.00, 331.00
[207] <UIImageView: 0x7073db0; frame = (26.624 71.68; 32 39); opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; tag = 55; layer = <CALayer: 0x70747d0>>
[207] Converted Point from ScrollView: 3.38, 3.32
[207] Converted Point in Window: 53.25, 463.36
[207] Converted Point: 53.25, 399.36 *** Looks way off!
[207] LocateInView: 3.38, 3.32
[207] Kalle's Distance: 72.20 **** THIS IS THE TAPPED POINT
[207] <UIImageView: 0x7074fb0; frame = (41.984 43.008; 32 39); opaque = NO; userInteractionEnabled = NO; tag = 55; layer = <CALayer: 0x7074fe0>>
[207] Converted Point from ScrollView: -11.98, 31.99
[207] Converted Point in Window: 83.97, 406.02
[207] Converted Point: 83.97, 342.02
[207] LocateInView: -11.98, 31.99
207] Kalle's Distance: 55.08 ***** BUT THIS ONE's CLOSER??????