Some of you may have seen my blog post on this topic, where I wrote the following code after wanting to help a friend produce half-filled circles as points on a graph:
TestUnicode <- function(start="25a0", end="25ff", ...)
nstart <- as.hexmode(start)
nend <- as.hexmode(end)
r <- nstart:nend
s <- ceiling(sqrt(length(r)))
plot(c(-1,(s)), c(-1,(s)), type="n", xlab="", ylab="",
xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
grid(s+1, s+1, lty=1)
for(i in seq(r)) {
try(points(i%%s, i%/%s, pch=-1*r[i],...))
This works (i.e. produces a nearly-full grid of cool dingbatty symbols):
- on Ubuntu 10.04, in an X11 or PNG device
- on Mandriva Linux distribution, same devices, with locally built R, once pango-devel was installed
It fails to varying degrees (i.e. produces a grid partly or entirely filled with dots or empty rectangles), either silently or with warnings:
- on the same Ubuntu 10.04 machine in PDF or PostScript (tried setting font="NimbusSan" to use URW fonts, doesn't help)
- on MacOS X.6 (quartz, X11, Cairo, PDF)
For example, trying all the available PDF font families:
flist <- c("AvantGarde", "Bookman","Courier", "Helvetica", "Helvetica-Narrow",
"NewCenturySchoolbook", "Palatino", "Times","URWGothic",
"URWBookman", "NimbusMon", "NimbusSan", "NimbusSanCond",
"CenturySch", "URWPalladio","NimbusRom")
for (f in flist) {
fn <- paste("utest_",f,".pdf",sep="")
on Ubuntu, none of these files contains the symbols.
It would be nice to get it to work on as many combinations as possible, but especially in some vector format and double-especially in PDF.
Any suggestions about font/graphics device configurations that would make this work would be welcomed.
too ... – Jespersen