I have read a JSON file into Spark. This file has the following structure:
scala> tweetBlob.printSchema
|-- related: struct (nullable = true)
| |-- next: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- href: string (nullable = true)
|-- search: struct (nullable = true)
| |-- current: long (nullable = true)
| |-- results: long (nullable = true)
|-- tweets: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
| | |-- cde: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- cdeInternal: struct (nullable = true)
| | |-- message: struct (nullable = true)
What I would ideally want is a DataFrame with columns "cde", "cdeInternal", "message"... as shown below
|-- cde: struct (nullable = true)
|-- cdeInternal: struct (nullable = true)
|-- message: struct (nullable = true)
I have managed to use "explode" to extract elements from the "tweets" array into a column called "tweets"
scala> val tweets = tweetBlob.select(explode($"tweets").as("tweets"))
tweets: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [tweets: struct<cde:struct<author:struct<gender:string,location:struct<city:string,country:string,state:string>,maritalStatus:struct<evidence:string,isMarried:string>,parenthood:struct<evidence:string,isParent:string>>,content:struct<sentiment:struct<evidence:array<struct<polarity:string,sentimentTerm:string>>,polarity:string>>>,cdeInternal:struct<compliance:struct<isActive:boolean,userProtected:boolean>,tracks:array<struct<id:string>>>,message:struct<actor:struct<displayName:string,favoritesCount:bigint,followersCount:bigint,friendsCount:bigint,id:string,image:string,languages:array<string>,link:string,links:array<struct<href:string,rel:string>>,listedCount:bigint,location:struct<displayName:string,objectType:string>,objectType:string,postedTime...
scala> tweets.printSchema
|-- tweets: struct (nullable = true)
| |-- cde: struct (nullable = true)
| |-- cdeInternal: struct (nullable = true)
| |-- message: struct (nullable = true)
How can I select all columns inside the struct and create a DataFrame out of it? Explode does not work on a struct if my understanding is correct.
Any help is appreciated.