I am new in laravel. I am trying the command nmp install. it does not work. Then as shown in their official documentation, I tried
npm install --global gulp-cli
but I was getting access denied error. So I gave
sudo npm install --global gulp-cli
It seemed to give me some correct result. then I gave
npm install --no-bin-links
but it says that,
"npm WARN [email protected] No description npm WARN [email protected] No repository field."
I tried
npm install -d
though the result ended with "ok" (after running the command the first line said "it worked if it ends with ok"), it still contains
""npm WARN [email protected] No description npm WARN [email protected] No repository field."
And when I gave the command
the answer was no gulpfile found. In my project there is a gulpfile.js file (I am not sure about which gulpfile it is talking :\ )
what to do? My node version is V5.12.0
gulp --gulpfile custom_gulpfile.js
and you get this error - check the file path, if the path is wrong you still get the same error :) – Suspensory