In my flutter app, I have a textfield that I want to be able to remove focus from by tapping a non-interactable component. This is not the default behaviour of textfields in flutter, so I need to find a way to manually do it. I've got it somewhat working by following the steps at and various other pages, which involves a GestureDetector at the root with an onTap that looks something like this:
onTap: () {
FocusScopeNode cf = FocusScope.of(context);
if (!cf.hasPrimaryFocus && cf.focusedChild != null) {
The problem is that when I select the text field, click somewhere else (focus appears to disappear at this point), open a time picker, and close that time picker, the textfield is focused again. If I unfocus the textfield by clicking the "done" button on the keyboard instead, then opening/closing a time picker won't refocus the textfield, so I know it has to be a problem with the way I'm unfocusing it. What's the correct way of unfocusing it so focus won't come back like that?