I have just started trying knockout.js. The ko.mapping offers a nifty way to get and map data from server. However I am unable to get the mapping to work.
I have a simple model:
//var helloWorldModel;
var helloWorldModel = {
name: ko.observable('Default Name'),
message: ko.observable('Hello World Default')
$(document).ready(function() {
//a button on the form when clicked calls a server class
//to get json output
function getDataFromServer() {
$.getJSON("HelloSpring/SayJsonHello/chicken.json", function(data) {
function mapServerData(serverData) {
helloWorldModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(serverData, helloWorldModel);
The helloWorldModel has only 2 attributes - exactly the same thing I return from the server. The alert in mapServerData shows -
{"name":"chicken","message":"JSON hello world"}
I have looked up other posts regarding similar problem, but none of them seemed to be solve this issue. Maybe I am missing something very basic - wondering if anyone can point it out.
Also note if I do not declare the model upfront and use
helloWorldModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(serverData);
it is mapping the data to my form correctly.
function mapServerData(serverData) { ko.mapping.fromJS(serverData, {}, /* empty object for the mapping options */, helloWorldModel); alert(JSON.stringify(serverData)); }
see here why this will also work:#13323304 – Boyce