I use precommit with this .pre-commit-config.yaml file (extract) :
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
sha: v0.9.2
- id: trailing-whitespace
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: check-yaml
and I am stuck with this error :
Check Yaml...................Failed
hookid: check-yaml
expected a single document in the stream
in "modules.yml", line 1, column 1
but found another document
in "modules.yml", line 4, column 1
The beginning of my yaml file is :
repo: ssh://git.tranquilit.local/odoo-11-oca-tis/OCB.git
root: 8.0
branch: 8.0-tis
repo: ssh://git.tranquilit.local/odoo-71-tis/tis-addons.git
origin: tis
branch: 8.0
#- attachment_rename
#- partner_firstname
- tis_account_analytic_recurrent_invoicing
I tried with and without a leading line --- but it changes only the line nb of the error.
I didn't found any help anywhere on the web, so if anybody can help me, I would be greatefull for that !
Thanks by advance, Herve