What this example shows is with a normal multiple-select select2 element as the user selects items from the list it will expand down and cause the parent container to expand down. I can't have the parent grow any larger than it is set due to mobile and layout concerns.
How does one set an option to disable expansion of the element or at the very least set the CSS to keep the size of the element and allow the user to scroll?
Code below to prevent linkrot.
<select class="select-select2" multiple="multiple" data-placeholder="Please choose one or more" data-allow-clear="true" data-close-on-select="false">
<option>sit amet</option>
<option>elit sed</option>
<option>do eiusmod</option>
<option>ut labore</option>
<option>et dolore</option>
<option>magna aliqua</option>
<option>Ut enim ad</option>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>