I am trying to bulk insert keys in db in go here is the code Key Struct
type tempKey struct {
keyVal string
lastKey int
Test Keys
data := []tempKey{
{keyVal: "abc", lastKey: 10},
{keyVal: "dns", lastKey: 11},
{keyVal: "qwe", lastKey: 12},
{keyVal: "dss", lastKey: 13},
{keyVal: "xcmk", lastKey: 14},
Insertion part
dbUrl := "db url...."
conn, err := pgx.Connect(context.Background(), dbUrl)
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close(context.Background())
sqlStr := "INSERT INTO keys (keyval,lastval) VALUES "
dollars := ""
vals := []interface{}{}
count := 1
for _, row := range data {
dollars = fmt.Sprintf("%s($%d, $%d),", dollars, count, count+1)
vals = append(vals, row.keyVal, row.lastKey)
count += 2
sqlStr += dollars
sqlStr = sqlStr[0 : len(sqlStr)-1]
fmt.Printf("%s \n", sqlStr)
_, erro := conn.Exec(context.Background(), sqlStr, vals)
if erro != nil {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "Error : \n", erro)
on running it throws error: expected 10 arguments, got 1
What is the correct way of bulk inserting.