Fortunately, by the time the viewWillDisappear method is called, the viewController has already been removed from the stack, so we know the viewController is popping because it's no longer in the self.navigationController.viewControllers
Swift 4
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
if let nav = self.navigationController {
let isPopping = !nav.viewControllers.contains(self)
if isPopping {
// popping off nav
} else {
// on nav, not popping off (pushing past, being presented over, etc.)
} else {
// not on nav at all
Original Code
- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];
if ((self.navigationController) &&
(![self.navigationController.viewControllers containsObject:self])) {
NSLog(@"I've been popped!");
, because that gets called when the view controller is moved off screen for ANY reason (like a new view controller being pushed on top)." – Wayward