I have a curl command that works well, but I need to automate this in a ruby script,
curl cmd:
curl -u usrname:pwd -X POST --data "del=false&val=100" http://localhost:1111/sample/path
I wrote the following code:
uri = URI::HTTPS.build(:host => "localhost", :port => 1111)
uri.path = URI.escape("/sample/path")
client = Net::HTTP.new("localhost", "1111")
req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri, {"User-Agent" => "UA"})
req.set_form_data({"del" => "false", "val" => "100"})
req.basic_auth("usrname", "pwd")
res = client.request(req)
The above code is working, I had a encoded url that I was passing to URI.escape, that made me post this question about bad response. Foud the issue and fixed it :)