This code works great, except when computer is on simple Workgroup and try to using GetLocalComputerName(ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified) returns computer name with a #0 (null) char at end, resulting in a bad processing of other charanters sent to a Memo component as a log.
Just fix this issue checking for null at end.
function GetLocalComputerName(
NameType: TComputerNameFormat = ComputerNameDnsHostname): WideString;
len: DWORD;
len:= 0;
GetComputerNameEx(NameType, nil, len); //get length
SetLength(Result, len - 1);
if not GetComputerNameEx(NameType, PWideChar(Result), len)
then RaiseLastOSError;
// fix null at end
len := Length(Result);
if (len > 2) and (Result[len] = #0) then
Result := Copy(Result, 1, len-1);
returns aBool
and doesn't accept a numeric literal for its second parameter. – SouzaMax_ComputerName_Length
for your buffer size instead of the magic numbers. – Souza