I need to generate an image from a string
in my WPF application, and show it. Here is my code:
// Create Image and generate string on it
System.Windows.Controls.Image img = new System.Windows.Controls.Image();
// This is the font that I need to render
Font DefaultFont = new Font("Oybab Tuz", 40f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
// Generate image from string
GraphicsPath graphicsPath = new GraphicsPath();
// As you see, the string include Right to left character, also include some other character in the middle
graphicsPath.AddString("سىناق123456789سىناق", DefaultFont.FontFamily, (int)DefaultFont.Style, DefaultFont.Size * 96f / 72f, new PointF(0f, 0f), StringFormat.GenericDefault);
// Turn the string to the image
RectangleF bounds = graphicsPath.GetBounds();
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap((int)(bounds.Width + bounds.X), (int)(bounds.Height + bounds.Y));
Graphics graphic = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
graphic.FillPath(new SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0x33, 0x00, 0xFF)), graphicsPath);
// turn the Image to ImageSource
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
bitmap.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Png);
img.Source = (ImageSource)(new ImageSourceConverter()).ConvertFrom(memoryStream);
// Add the image to the window content
this.Content = img;
Now this will display perfectly fine in windows 10
, such like this:
But, if the operating system lower than Windows 10, such like: Windows XP
, Windows 7
, Windows 8.X
, it will display like this:
Also not only the number, if I put some other character such like :"&&"
The lower operating system still shows it like:
"سىناق سىناق"
it seems like the operating system auto remove the characters in the middle.
I knew the font which I'm using is not include the number or the character which I put
in it, But Windows 10 could display it right.
Here is the font: Download font file
Because the character will not only display in a specific place, so I can't split the string, and render it one by one
So I really want to know why
, also I hope some guys could give me advice to fix this problem when operating system lower than Windows 10
. Thank you.
Not in the font
, but I just want it work in lower version operating system as like Windows 10. – Retrorseyou're not download that font and install it
, Then it would use operating system default font. Please download font and install it from that link which I put in my question before. – RetrorseFont Linking
not working. it only show correct when the caracter not together in notepad in Windows. WPF typography engine I did not try now, I need to generate font use some Stroke maybe inner or outer, I don't know it would support or not, even it will support I need to change more. – RetrorseGraphics.DrawString
is same result (But the render result of image not clear as GraphicsPath). – Retrorse