I start to use tsung to test my server with socket.io.
I downloaded the Github Zip, compiled and installed the latest "dev" including Websockets compatibility.
After browsing a lot of Google results and message in this mailing list, I couldn't find any answer to my issue. My problem is that I can't send/receive a message to my socket.io server. I'm able to connect to my socket with handshaking OK but nothing happens when I send the message. I tried to use bidir=true attribute but nothing change.
In my tsung log, I've got this messages:
=INFO REPORT==== 5-Sep-2013::08:08:00 ===
ts_client:(7:<0.93.0>) connect to port 80
=INFO REPORT==== 5-Sep-2013::08:08:00 ===
ts_client:(3:<0.93.0>) Data receive from socket in state think, stop
In my socket log (server side), I've got this messages:
debug: client authorized for
info: transport end (undefined)
debug: cleared heartbeat interval for client b07GKwmOJPQVDwznBzN1
debug: discarding transport
You can find my tsung.xml file here: http://pastebin.com/A60PpKrL
Please help,
Kind Regards,