I have a site that is using Pagespeed running with NGINX in order to minify and concatenate Javascript resources, What I need (if possible with Pagespeed) is to add a Banner and a Footer to the minified result such as Grunt has:
Grunt file configuration snippet:
concat: {
scripts: {
options: {
banner: "(function(){",
footer: "}());"
src: ['src/app/app.module.js', 'src/app/components/**/*.js', 'src/app/shared/**/*.js'],
dest: 'dist/scripts/app.min.js'
vendor: {
src: ['src/assets/js/vendor/**/*.js'],
dest: 'dist/scripts/vendor.min.js'
Is this possible to achieve with Pagespeed? I want to add everything that is minified in the same single private scope: (function(){ //...minified code...}());
I've been reading the documentations and could not find anything related for this topic.