I'm following this guide, with Zipkin.
I have 3 microservices involed, A -> B -> C
, I'm propagating headers from A to B and from B to C.
But in the Zipkin dashboard I only see entries for A -> B
and B -> C
, not A -> B -> C
Those are the headers:
I can see that in B x-b3-parentspanid
is null and I guess that's wrong, but the other are working I think...how is it possible?
EDIT: added code snippets to show headers propagation
A -> B
app.post("/job", (req, res) => postJob(req.body, req.headers).then((response) => res.send(response)))
const postJob = (job, headers) => rp({
method: "POST",
uri: `${API_ENDPOINT}/api/job`,
json: true,
body: job,
headers: Object.keys(headers).filter((key) => TRACING_HEADERS.includes(key)).map((key) => headers[key])
B -> C
fun publish(
@RequestBody job: Job,
@RequestHeader("x-request-id") xreq: String?,
@RequestHeader("x-b3-traceid") xtraceid: String?,
@RequestHeader("x-b3-spanid") xspanid: String?,
@RequestHeader("x-b3-parentspanid") xparentspanid: String?,
@RequestHeader("x-b3-sampled") xsampled: String?,
@RequestHeader("x-b3-flags") xflags: String?,
@RequestHeader("x-ot-span-context") xotspan: String?
): JobResponse = jobsService.publishJob(
job, mapOf(
"x-request-id" to xreq,
"x-b3-traceid" to xtraceid,
"x-b3-spanid" to xspanid,
"x-b3-parentspanid" to xparentspanid,
"x-b3-sampled" to xsampled,
"x-b3-flags" to xflags,
"x-ot-span-context" to xotspan
fun publishJob(job: Job, headers: Map<String, String?>): JobResponse {
val enabled = restTemplate.exchange(
if (!enabled!!.isEnabled) // TODO we intentionally want this to crash if body is null
return JobResponse(JobRequestStatus.REJECTED)
return if (this.queue.publish(job)) JobResponse(JobRequestStatus.OK)
else throw RuntimeException("I don't know what to do, yet")