When trying to make a postgreSQL database dump we got the following error and the process stops immediately.
Command used:
[email protected]:~
07/26 11:48:11> pg_dump -U tad -h localhost -p 5932 -F c -b -v -f /home/openbravo/dump26072018.dmp openbravo
pg_dump: reading schemas
pg_dump: reading user-defined tables
pg_dump: schema with OID 67046 does not exist
pg_dump: *** aborted because of error
Can anyone guide me how to sort this issue?
I followed this tutorial
And I can see there are objects without a schemaname in the pg_tables.
But I don't know how to update those missing schemanames in the pg_tables. The last part of the tutorial is not quite explanatory. Hope someone can throw some light.
on Ubuntu) somewhere, then try fixing your catalog tables as detailed in this thread: postgresql.org/message-id/26697.1156945365%40sss.pgh.pa.us – Discriminateselect version
). I presume you can't find your OID here:select oid, nspname from pg_namespace
? Could you try out to find it these system catalogs + could you tell us if there is something special about it? (pg_class.relnamespace, ,g_operator.oprnamespace, pg_conversion.connamespace, pg_opclass.opcnamespace, pg_aggregate.aggnamespace, pg_proc.pronamespace
) – Geniegenii