I am trying to test a workflow with a React app. When all fields are filled within a workflow step, the user is able to click the "next" button. This action registers a state in a reducer and changes the URL to go to the next workflow step.
[According to the RTL documentation] 1, I wrap my component under test in a store provider and a connected router using this function:
export const renderWithRedux = (ui: JSX.Element, initialState: any = {}, route: string = "/") => {
// @ts-ignore
const root = reducer({}, { type: "@@INIT" })
const state = mergeDeepRight(root, initialState)
const store = createStoreWithMiddleWare(reducer, state)
const history = createMemoryHistory({ initialEntries: [route]})
const Wrapper = ({ children }: any) => (
<Provider store={store}>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>{children}</ConnectedRouter>
return {
...render(ui, { wrapper: Wrapper }),
// adding `store` to the returned utilities to allow us
// to reference it in our tests (just try to avoid using
// this to test implementation details).
Unlike in the documentation, I am using connected-react-router
, not react-router-dom
, but I've seen some people using connected-react-router
with RTL on the web, so I don't think the problem comes from here.
The component under test is wrapped in a withRouter
function, and I refresh the URL via the connected react router push
function, dispatching via the redux connect
export default withRouter(
connect<any, any, any>(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, mergeProps)(View)
Everything work well in production, but the page doesn't refresh when I fire a click
event on the "next" button. Here is the code of my test (to make it easier to read for you, I have filled all field and enable the "next" button):
const {
} = renderWithRedux(<Wrapper />, getInitialState(), "/workflow/EXAC")
await waitForElement(
() => [getByText("supplierColumnHeader"), getByText("nextButton")],
{ container }
await waitForElement(
() => [getByText("INTERNAL PARENT"), getByText("EXTERNAL PARENT")],
{ container }
Any clue as to what is going wrong here?