I was wondering if there is an easier (or just any) way to declare functions in PHP files. For example, let's say we have following function:
function myfunc($parama = '', $paramb = 0) {}
Would it be possible to add (as part of PHP bundle) a snippet to create:
* @param $parama String
* @param $paramb Integer
* @return
* @author
* @copyright {current_date}
In case it's doable, the bundle would auto-add it just by typing /***
above function.
Any thoughts are warmly welcome. I managed to do that in TextMate a while ago, but can't figure out how to do it in Aptana.
FYI: I'm referring to Aptana 3.0.6.
Thanks! :)
(an hour later)
Actually, I figured it out - created a snippet for this:
snippet 'Declare Function' do |s|
s.trigger = 'docf'
s.scope = 'source.php'
s.expansion = '/***
* @param
* @return
* @author $6
* @copyright ' + Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '
function ${1:functionName}($2)
Hope it's useful for other devs. :)