I need to put Greek letters into facet labels using facet_wrap() in ggplot2. I found a Link describing the same for facet_grid(). I applied this for my data, using the following code:
levels(parameters) <- c(expression(alpha), expression(beta))
p + facet_grid(.~parameters, labeller = label_parsed)
This works great and does exactly what I want. However, I need to use facet_wrap() instead (to get separate y-axes for both paramters, and also to plot even more parameters in different columns and rows). I tried the following:
p + facet_wrap(.~parameters, labeller = label_parsed) , or
p + facet_wrap(.~parameters)
but this didn't work because there is no "labeller" function in facet_wrap. How could this be done using grid?
myself. But there are definitely folks around here (or the ggplot2 mailing list) who'd know. You might try editing this question (or asking a new one) to be more like: 'How can I usegrid
to edit aggplot2
object to add math expressions to facet labels?'. – Swinish