I am using Octopress 3, and when I run jekyll build
, it generates the correct set of files (which includes my static files, see list of files below):
$ cd _site
:_site$ ls -a
. CNAME assets google2d8.html index-alternative.html
.. about blog increase-revenue.html index.html
Note that my entire jekyll-generated blog
is now safely stored within \blog\
, which is how I want it.
But once I do octopress deploy
, it overwrites this entire folder (which also overwrites my existing static files), see listing below:
$ cd _site
:_site$ ls -a
. .. Gemfile Gemfile.lock about css feed.xml index.html jekyll
Here is my _config.yml
title: My Title
email: [email protected]
description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
some description
baseurl: "/blog" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: "http://example.com" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
twitter_username: myusername
source: '../'
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
theme: minima
This is my _deploy.yml
method: git # How do you want to deploy? git, rsync or s3.
site_dir: _site # Location of your static site files.
git_url: my_git_url
git_branch: gh-pages-2 # Git branch where static site files are commited
Note: Once I remove the following line from my _config.yml
: source: '../'
, my jekyll build
generates that deploy folder like octopress deploy
Given the new Octopress 3 and an existing static site hosted on my gh-pages
branch, how do I deploy my blog to a subdirectory of that existing gh-pages
octopress deploy
, it keeps overwriting the files thatjekyll build
creates. It's not about any random shell scripts. It's about the workflow of Octopress and Jekyll. – Cuticula/blog
on that site. I can't figure out how to preventoctopress deploy
from overwriting the entire repo, as opposed to just the subdirectory/blog
. Is that more clear? – Cuticulaoctopress deploy
to generate all files into_site/blog
directory? – Yonne