I'm looking at the video of WWDC 2016 Session 803, Typography and Fonts.
The video spends quite a lot of time talking about a font called SF Mono, the third member of the San Francisco font family, showing it off in different weights and character sets. Sounds great. I'm ready to use it in the iOS 10 version of my app.
There's just one problem: Where is it? It doesn't seem to be included in iOS itself, and when I download San Francisco from Apple, it isn't included there either. I know I could pull a copy out of Xcode 8 itself and include that in my app, but surely that isn't the intended approach. What am I missing?
(Not a duplicate of What is the NSFont name for the font 'SF Mono'?. He’s talking about NSFont name. I’m talking about the location of the physical font file, such as a .ttf. that I can include in an iOS app.)