I'm trying to write a bit of code (just for home use) that uses UPnP for NAT traversal, using C# 4 and Microsoft's COM-based NAT traversal API (Hnetcfg.dll).
Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) the last time I had to do COM interop in .NET was sometime around the last ice age, and I seem to be fundamentally confused about C#'s use of dynamic types for interop and how to write a callback (so that the COM server calls my managed code).
Here's an exciting few lines of code:
// Referencing COM NATUPNPLib ("NATUPnP 1.0 Type Library")
using System;
using NATUPNPLib;
class NATUPnPExample
public delegate void NewNumberOfEntriesDelegate(int lNewNumberOfEntries);
public static void NewNumberOfEntries(int lNewNumberOfEntries)
Console.WriteLine("New number of entries: {0}", lNewNumberOfEntries);
public static void Main(string[] args)
UPnPNAT nat = new UPnPNAT();
NewNumberOfEntriesDelegate numberOfEntriesCallback = NewNumberOfEntries;
nat.NATEventManager.NumberOfEntriesCallback = numberOfEntriesCallback;
nat.StaticPortMappingCollection.Add(4555, "TCP", 4555, "", true, "UPnPNAT Test");
// Presumably my NewNumberOfEntries() method should be called by the COM component about now
nat.StaticPortMappingCollection.Remove(4555, "TCP");
In the above code, the Add and Remove calls work absolutely fine. Terrific.
The trouble is, I would also like to know when the number of port mapping entries have changed, and to do so I need to register a callback interface (INATEventManager::put_NumberOfEntriesCallback), which must support the INATNumberOfEntriesCallback or IDispatch interfaces. VS2012's object browser describes INATEventManager::put_NumberOfEntriesCallback thusly:
dynamic NumberOfEntriesCallback { set; }
Right, so I was under the impression that in C# 4 I shouldn't have to decorate anything with fancy attributes and that I can register my callback simply by jamming a delegate into INATEventManager::put_NumberOfEntriesCallback in a vulgar manner and leaving .NET to worry about IDispatch and clear up the mess; but it appears that I'm terribly wrong.
So, er... What should I do to ensure my NewNumberOfEntries method is called?
I'm also slightly concerned that I can write nat.NATEventManager.NumberOfEntriesCallback = 1;
or nat.NATEventManager.NumberOfEntriesCallback = "Sausages";
without an exception being thrown.