Is there any way to generate documentation for a R shiny application?
It becomes very hard to maintain a shiny application without documentation.
It seems that all the eco-system of tests/documentation is created for an R package structure. Maybe we can emulate/extend this behavior for a shiny application?
An example :
A reactive expression is typically an R shiny element taht can contain complex data structure.
filtered_dat <- reactive({
dx[ NAME == input$crr & TOU == input$tou &
PlotYear == input$year. & PlotMonth == input$season]
To give more context, I am here in the context of building a complete web application using R shiny. All the business-logic is wrapped in a separated package(s).
For testing Ui I think it is complicated ( one can use Rselenium for example) , but generating doc from roxygen2
comments is just parsing. It should be easy to have such tool.
as parameters. – Visceraui
code, and put in external package functions ? Someui/server
code does grow with more complex use cases so documenting would be nice – Reedingserver.R
files in the.../R/
and / orinst
directories. – Reedinginstr
directory of the package. – Reeding