Let's say I want to paralelize some intensive computation (not I/O bound).
Naturally, I do not want to run more processes than available processors or I would start paying for context switching (and cache misses).
Mentally, I would expect that as I increased n
in multiprocessing.Pool(n)
, total time would behave like this:
- negative slope as tasks take advantage of parallelization
- positive slope as context switching starts costing me
- plateau
But in actuality, I am getting this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from math import factorial
def pi(n):
t = 0
pi = 0
deno = 0
k = 0
for k in range(n):
t = ((-1)**k)*(factorial(6*k))*(13591409+545140134*k)
deno = factorial(3*k)*(factorial(k)**3)*(640320**(3*k))
pi += t/deno
pi = pi * 12/(640320**(1.5))
pi = 1/pi
return pi
import multiprocessing
import time
maxx = 20
tasks = 60
task_complexity = 500
x = range(1, maxx+1)
y = [0]*maxx
for i in x:
p = multiprocessing.Pool(i)
tic = time.time()
p.map(pi, [task_complexity]*tasks)
toc = time.time()
y[i-1] = toc-tic
print '%2d %ds' % (i, y[i-1])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
plot.plot(x, y)
plot.xlabel('Number of threads')
plot.xlim(1, maxx)
plot.ylabel('Time in seconds')
My machine: i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GHz × 4
Operating system: Ubuntu 14.04
After n>4, I see the task manager rotating through the various processes, as expected since there are more processes than processors. Yet, there is no penalty relative to n=4 (my number of processors).
In fact, even when n<4, I see the scheduler frenetically rotating the processes through my processors, instead of assigning each process to its own processor and avoid context switching.
I am seeing this behavior using gnome-system-monitor: (Please let me know if someone has a different experience.)
Any explanation why it does not seem to matter how many processes I fire? Or is something wrong with my code?
My guess: it seems to be the case that processes are not processor-bound (even when only two processes are active, they keep switching CPU), and so I am paying for context switching anyway.
EDIT: updated graphic and code with higher constants.