Let's say I'm on /page?id=1
Then I navigate to /page?id=2
And I make a change on that page, which implements a post and then redirects back to /page?id=2
In Firefox, I can hit the back button once and return to /page?id=1, but in Chrome and Safari on iPhone, I have to hit the back button twice because /page?id=2 is in the browser history twice. (And if I made multiple posts from id=2, I'd have to hit the back button that many times to finally return to id=1.)
In some ways, this seems like normal browser behavior, as each GET is simply pushed into the history, but since the URL is identical to the previous entry, this results in a poor user experience, which typically seems to be avoided by other web applications... and is naturally avoided in Firefox. Is this an unavoidable bug in Webkit browsers, or can I implement the PRG in a different way to avoid this?
btw- the behavior appears to be the same redirecting with 302 or 303.
UPDATE: I've mocked up some sample code... don't know if there's a platform like jsfiddle where I could upload this for you to see in action:
<form action="submit.php" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?=$_REQUEST['id']?>">
<input type="submit" value="submit">
header("Location: form.php?id=" . $_REQUEST['id']);
If I start on form.php?id=4 (just to put it in the browser history) and then go to form.php?id=5 and then hit submit (as though to execute a database change), in Firefox I get one entry in the history for each; in Chrome I get one entry for id=4 and then two entries for id=5. Why the difference in behavior? I think Firefox's behavior is better, since hitting back twice to get away from id=5 is counter-intuitive to the user.