I am using the youtube api to search for youtube videos. The videos will then be displayed on #searchBar
with the video id ex. NJNlqeMM8Ns as data-video
. I get the video id by pressing on a img:
<img data-video = "{{videoid}}" src = "bilder/play.png" alt = "play" class = "knapp" width = "40" height = "40">
Which in my poorly understanding of javascript becomes (this). When I search for videos I will get more than one result which means that I will get more than one img tag.
In this case I want to play the next song when the first one is finished. I tried to get the index when I pressed on my img tag:
var index = $(".knapp").index(this);
However, when I alerted the index after the video was finshed I always got the value 0 back.
So I thought I could do something like this:
function onPlayerStateChange(event) {
if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.ENDED){
$('#searchBar').on('click', '[data-video]', function(){
player.current_video = $(this).attr('data-video');
function playVideo(){
var video_id = player.current_video;
player.loadVideoById(video_id, 0, "large");
function playNext(){
var player.current_videon = **$(this + 1).attr('data-video');**
var next_id = player.current_videon;
player.loadVideoById(next_id, 0, "large");
But I'm not sure how to make it work, as you can see in the bold section, can I solve my problem like this or do I need another approach?
Edit: With some research I found out that I need to set the value of the current video being played and also efter the video was done playing I add this number by 1. However even if it did make the next video play, I was unable to chose which song I wanted anymore...
function onPlayerStateChange(event) {
if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.ENDED){
var player = document.querySelector('iframe');
function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
player = new YT.Player('player', {
height: '390',
width: '640',
videoId: '40mSZPyqpag',
playerVars: {rel: 0},
events: {
'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange
player.current_video = 0;
$('#searchBar').on('click', '[data-video]', function(){
player.current_video = $(this).index();
function playVideo(){
var video_id = $('[data-video]').eq(player.current_video).attr('data-video');
player.loadVideoById(video_id, 0, "large");