I'm currently developing an Outlook Addin which saves MailItems and Attachments in my MSSQL Database.
I got a method where I save the MailItem with all it's attachments. But if I save all attachments the embedded images in the MailItem are also saved.
Does anyone know how to save all real attachments?? I mean like the attachments in the picture below:
and not the embbeded images that are in the mail body.
Here is the code that I use to loop through all attachments of a MailItem and then save it:
foreach (Outlook.Attachment att in mailItem.Attachments)
att.SaveAsFile(Path.GetTempPath() + att.FileName);
var fi = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempPath() + att.FileName);
//Saving attachment to DB
var attachment = Attachment.NieuwAttachment(att.FileName, SelectedMap.DossierNr.ToString( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), -1, Convert.ToInt32(SelectedMap.Tag), fi);
if (!Attachment.InlezenAttachment(attachment)) continue;
catch (Exception ex)
var dmsEx = new DmsException("Er is een fout opgetreden bij het opslaan van een bijlage.", ex.Message, ex);
----------- EDIT ------------
I also posted this question on the Microsoft TechNet and I just received an answer to the question (See link below)
Outlook 2007 & 2010: Save all attachments except the embedded attachments C#
----------- EDIT ------------
My problem is still not fixed, the help I got from Microsoft is useless.. So Please I really need this to be fixed!