The two things you stated were:
1)"I would like to rate limit so that only 10,000 requests get processed/day"
2)"while still load balancing those 10,000 requests."
First off, it seems like you are using a divide and conquer approach where each request from your end user gets mapped to one of the n machines. So, for ensuring that only the 10,000 requests get processed within the given time span, there are two options:
1) Implement a combiner which will route the results from all n machines to
another endpoint which the external API is then able to access. This endpoint is able
to keep a count of the amount of jobs being processed, and if it's over your threshold,
then reject the job.
2) Another approach is to store the amount of jobs you've processed for the day as a variable
inside of your database. Then, it's common practice to check if your threshold value
has been reached by the value in your database upon the initial request of the job
(before you even pass it off to one of your machines). If the threshold value has been
reached, then reject the job at the beginning. This, coupled with an appropriate message, has an advantage as having a better experience for the end user.
In order to ensure that all these 10,000 requests are still being load balanced so that no 1 CPU is processing more jobs than any other cpu, you should use a simple round robin approach to distribute your jobs over the m CPU's. With round robin, as apposed to a bin/categorization approach, you'll ensure that the job request is being distributed as uniformly as possible over your n CPU's. A downside to round robin, is that depending on the type of job you're processing you might be replicating a lot data as you start to scale up. If this is a concern for you, you should think about implementing a form of locality-sensitive hash (LSH) function. While a good hash function distributes the data as uniformly as possible, LSH exposes you to having a CPU process more jobs than other CPU's if a skew in the attribute you choose to hash against has a high probability of occurring. As always, there's tradeoffs associated with both, so you'll know best for your use cases.
to the http api. Common path could be a sort of proxy like software that would limit number of requests per basis (daily in your case). Also, are you able to create a queue at the API side? – Daciadacie