I'm trying to make a Semigroup
and VerifiedSemigroup
instance on my custom Bool
datatype both on operator &&
and operator ||
%case data Lógico = Cierto | Falso
(&&) : Lógico -> Lógico -> Lógico
(&&) Cierto Cierto = Cierto
(&&) _ _ = Falso
(||) : Lógico -> Lógico -> Lógico
(||) Falso Falso = Falso
(||) _ _ = Cierto
So I first make a named instance for Semigroup
over the &&
-- Todos
instance [TodosSemigroup] Semigroup Lógico where
(<+>) a b = a && b
But when making the VerifiedSemigroup
instance, how do I tell Idris to use the TodosSemigroup
instance of Lógico
instance [TodosVerifiedSemigroup] VerifiedSemigroup Lógico where
semigroupOpIsAssociative l c r = ?vsemigroupTodos
That code gives me the following error:
When elaborating type of
, methodsemigroupOpIsAssociative
: Can't resolve type classSemigroup Lógico