These are probably not around in current (as of initial question) chips, but all have a common theme - atomic memory operations. Their purpose is typically for synchronisation between threads, and their inclusion at an instruction set level probably indicates that Atmel are planning to launch a multi-core AVR chip. Since they're specified now tool vendors can add them to assemblers already, but they won't make a big deal of that until chips have the instructions. (Edit: As it turns out, the other core is the USB peripheral, not a CPU. Thanks to avakar for that information.)
The behaviour, as I read it from the Atmel AVR 8-bit Instruction Set Manual:
LAC - Load and Clear, loads memory contents *Z into register Rd while simultaneously clearing bits in *Z that were set in Rd.
LAS - Load And Set simultaneously sets bits in a memory location that were set in a register, and loads the register with the prior contents of the memory location. Very useful for single-bit mutexes, for instance.
LAT - Load And Toggle; like LAS, but instead of bitwise or, it uses bitwise xor, thus toggling bits.
XCH - Exchange; simply exchanges memory and register contents.
All of them are RAM access instructions (07/2014 reference states they take two cycles), which combine operations so they could also make code that needs RAM faster than it currently is.