Whenever I click on an opportunity to customize it
The window bellow opens
It appears that the customization window is trying to open an activity window and it should open a opportunity chart window. The only error displayed is "Invalid User Authorization The user authentication passed to the platform is not valid" and there are no errors in the debug window.
- Opportunity Charts are the only charts with this problem. If I try and customize a company chart the problem does not occur.
- Publishing a chart from XRMToolbox works. It is only in the customization window that the problem occurs.
- In the production version of my site, the problem does not occur.
- I have tried clearing my browsers cache as suggested here.
---UPDATE 1---
In response to @ConorGallagher
Is it any of the opportunity charts or just particular ones?
It is ALL opportunity charts. NONE of them will open.
Have you tried opening up developer tools and checking network to see what exactly is failing?
I have and the developer tools do not reveal any errors.
Customization page: Chart page:
Or using fiddler do analyse it and find out what exactly is failing?
This is all I get from fiddler when I click on a chart:
Are there any encryption settings that differ between production and dev?
Encryption settings are the same between the two.
Is the dev organization a database copy of production or a new install?
Dev organization is a copy of the production that was working prior to in place upgrade.
Does it happen when you're logged directly onto the server and try customizing charts?
It happens on PC and directly on server.
---Update 2---
In response to @ConorGallagher
I'd have expected a 401 (or some http error) someplace on the network tab in developer tools. Can you double check that tab just to see.
I would have also but everything in the network tab is a 200. Except the first one is a 302. See fiddler output bellow v.
In response to @Pawel Gradecki
1) You should not check Developer Tools for script errors, switch the tab to "Network" and check for any HTTP errors there.
See above snapshoot to @ConorGallagher of my network window ^.
Also you did not enable HTTPS decryption on fiddler, so your log is not very meaningful, you should enable this first and then recheck fiddler
My apologies here is the fiddler output with decryption enabled: This is much more helpful. The page appears to not be able to find the source map (404) and then redirects to the error page (302). I'm not sure though if it redirects because it can't find the source map or because of some other error.
2) Check server Trace logs, they can show some additional info that can be used for troubleshooting
4) Can you open some working chart designer (for example for account) and copy the full URL and paste it to a separate window. Do the same with Opportunity chart (copy and paste it to separate window). If it's still not working for Opportunity compare both URLs, try to play with them a little (exchange some query string parameters).
I played with the url
Now if I change the url to:
(Since 1 is the Company object and 3 is the opportunity object). I still get redirected to the invalid user page.
Remember to check very carefully server Trace, because it can tell you something meaningful. If you will have something there, paste it here so we can also have a look at it.
See above link ^.
One more idea that came into my mind - try to backup your organization database, restore it under different name, import it under different name (so you should have a separate organization on DEV). Sometimes there are errors during organization import that do not stop the import itself, but cause some strange behaviour of the CRM. Check if this re-imported organization has the same problem.
This would be a last resort.