I'm creating an app that fetches posts from the internet as json. I parse the json into Post objects in flutter using a factory. A Post object includes a title, body and image. I display these posts in a listview with a listview builder. The heavy task is that I calculate 2 dominant colors from the image to set as the background gradient of a post item. For this I use: https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/palette_generator
I calculate the 2 dominant colors in the json parser factory because then I have a complete Post object with al the needed information. Also this way I don't have to calculate the colors when rendering an Post object. I do this with the following code:
Future<List> _getColors() async {
Color gradientOne, gradientTwo;
String imageUrl = json['image'];
paletteGenerator = await PaletteGenerator.fromImageProvider(
gradientOne = paletteGenerator.colors.toList()[0];
gradientTwo = paletteGenerator.colors.toList()[1];
return [gradientOne, gradientTwo];
I add this to the Post object and in the render I wait on this future:
.then((result) => {
gradient = result,
this.setState(() {
loading = false;
In the main UI I show a loading indicator until all the futures are resolved. For this I use the following code:
List<Future> futures = [];
for (var post in tmpList) {
await Future.wait(futures)
.then((result) => {list.addAll(tmpList)});
This works ok except for the laggy UI when fetching new posts. After a bit of reading I found that I can use Isolates in Flutter. So I changed my parsing function as described here: https://flutter.io/docs/cookbook/networking/background-parsing
This works flawlessly and my app is running without any lag, the drawback is that my colors aren't calculated. For some reason when I use compute() my Future never comes to a result.
Is it possible to use compute in this situation or is there a better way to calculate the colors without causing lag in my UI?
I tried programming an Isolate without compute, but the color futures still don't load. This is the code I used:
ReceivePort receivePort = ReceivePort();
Isolate isolate = await Isolate.spawn(getMorePosts, receivePort.sendPort);
receivePort.listen((data) {
I do receive all the data but again my futures don't finish.