I am using Keycloak and I want to enable Forgot password flow. I have enabled Forgot password in login and configured SMTP to send email. What I get out of the box from keycloak is the following
-> Click on Forgot password link -> Enter username or email -> User receives an Email with reset link -> Click on the link -> Reset password, then submit -> User is logged in then The user is redirected to account page.
What I want to acheive is the following
-> Click on Forgot password link -> Enter username or email -> User receives an Email with reset link -> Click on the link -> Reset password, then submit -> Display a message saying "Your password has been updated." and do not login the user. stay on that page.
The reason for this is, for my use-case, the user shouldn't access the account page on Keycloak.
In the authentication flow of reset credentials, I can only configure up to reset credentials.
Is there any way I can disable this action of logging in the user automatically after password reset, then redirecting to account page?
I have looked into several questions, but I cannot find an answer on how this can be achieved.
PS: I am using Keycloak docker image with a custom theme. If this can be configured using custom theme options, I have the chance to do it.
Thank you in advance.