I'm messing around with the plugins package however I bumped into a problem.
Here's the code:
module Util.Header(PT(..)) where
data PT a = PT a deriving Show
module Plug(helloPlugin) where
import Util.Header
helloPlugin :: PT Int
helloPlugin = PT 1
module Main where
import Util.Header
import System.Plugins
main :: IO ()
main = do
mv <- load "Plug.o" ["."] [] "helloPlugin"
case mv of
LoadFailure msg -> print msg
LoadSuccess _ v -> print $ show (v :: PT Int)
This all works fine then compiling with ghc. Building with Cabal works fine as well, but when I run the executable I get this error:
plugintest: /home/kevin/.cabal/lib/plugins- unknown symbol `ghczm7zi6zi3_ErrUtils_zdsinsertzuzdsgo5_info'
plugintest: user error (resolvedObjs failed.)
My very minimalistic cabal file:
name: plugintest
license-file: LICENSE
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.8
hs-source-dirs: src
exposed-modules: Util.Header
build-depends: base ==4.6.*, plugins ==1.5.*
executable plugintest
main-is: Main.hs
build-depends: base ==4.6.*, plugins ==1.5.*, plugintest ==
hs-source-dirs: src
Now I assume the problem is that it can't find the "ErrUtils" module which is part of the ghc package installed in /usr/lib/ghc-7.x.x. Since it's using cabal it'll use the $HOME/.cabal/lib/ instead.
Now I obviously wouldn't want to use /usr/lib if I wanted to make it distributable. Sadly I'm not very familiar with how packages are managed nor am I familiar with the plugins package.
I have a feeling this is extremly nooby but I wasn't able to find a solution myself.
So a few questions:
- How can I get my dependencies to work in a way to make this distributable?
- It seems I'll need to know beforehand what my Plugin.o files will depend on before actually being able to use them (If I understand correctly). Is there a way to package a .o files that I wouldn't have to worry about this problem? (Sorry if this question is too vague, feel free to ignore)
Thanks in advance!