So, I am fairly new to iOS programming, and have inherited a project from a former coworker. We are building an app that contains a gauge UI. When data comes in, we want to smoothly rotate our "layer" (which is a needle image) from the current angle to a new target angle. Here is what we have, which worked well with slow data:
-(void) MoveNeedleToAngle:(float) target
static float old_Value = 0.0;
CABasicAnimation *rotateCurrentPressureTick = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.rotation");
[rotateCurrentPressureTick setDelegate:self];
rotateCurrentPressureTick.fromValue = [NSSNumber numberWithFloat:old_value/57.2958];
rotateCurrentPressureTick.toValue=[NSSNumber numberWithFloat:target/57.2958];
rotateCurrentPressureTick.duration=3; // constant 3 second sweep
[imageView_Needle.layer addAnimation:rotateCurrentPressureTick forKey:@"rotateTick"];
old_Value = target;
The problem is we have a new data scheme in which new data can come in (and the above method called) faster, before the animation is complete. What's happening I think is that the animation is restarted from the old target to the new target, which makes it very jumpy.
So I was wondering how to modify the above function to add a continuous/restartable behavior, as follows:
- Check if the current animation is in progress and
- If so, figure out where the current animation angle is, and then
- Cancel the current and start a new animation from the current rotation to the new target rotation
Is it possible to build that behavior into the above function?
Thanks. Sorry if the question seems uninformed, I have studied and understand the above objects/methods, but am not an expert.
. That's more inline with what you're doing from a clarity standpoint (the end result may be the same. I just like things to be more clear myself.) – Weirick