I was able to format Java code in VSCode, but now I see "there is no formatter for 'java' files installed." as:
Certainly language support is provided through the redhat language support plugin. Can this be re-initialized, perhaps?
Looks to be a problem others have at least seen, although the error message might be slightly different.
Version info:
Version: 1.41.1
Commit: 26076a4de974ead31f97692a0d32f90d735645c0
Date: 2019-12-18T15:04:31.999Z
Electron: 6.1.5
Chrome: 76.0.3809.146
Node.js: 12.4.0
V8: 7.6.303.31-electron.0
OS: Linux x64 4.18.0-25-generic snap
shift + alt + F
– Electrolier