The code below constitutes a complete compileable example.
Your issue is with dropping bits from the random generator. Lets's see how one could write a source of random bit pairs that doesn't drop bits. It requires that RAND_MAX
is of the form 2^n−1, but the idea could be extended to support any RAND_MAX >= 3
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
class RandomBitSource {
int64_t bits = rand();
int64_t bitMask = RAND_MAX;
static_assert((int64_t(RAND_MAX + 1) & RAND_MAX) == 0, "No support for RAND_MAX != 2^(n-1)");
auto get2Bits() {
if (!bitMask) // got 0 bits
bits = rand(), bitMask = RAND_MAX;
else if (bitMask == 1) // got 1 bit
bits = (bits * (RAND_MAX+1)) | rand(), bitMask = (RAND_MAX+1) | RAND_MAX;
assert(bitMask & 3);
bitMask >>= 2;
int result = bits & 3;
bits >>= 2;
return result;
Then, the random walk implementation could be as follows. Note that the '
digit separator is a C++14 feature - quite handy.
#include <vector>
using num_t = int;
struct Coord { num_t x, y; };
struct Walk {
std::vector<Coord> points;
num_t min_x = {}, max_x = {}, min_y = {}, max_y = {};
Walk(size_t n) : points(n) {}
auto makeWalk(size_t n = 250'000)
Walk walk { n };
RandomBitSource src;
num_t x = 0, y = 0;
for (auto& point : walk.points)
const int bits = src.get2Bits(), b0 = bits & 1, b1 = bits >> 1;
x = x + (((~b0 & ~b1) & 1) - ((b0 & ~b1) & 1));
y = y + (((~b0 & b1) & 1) - ((b0 & b1) & 1));
if (x < walk.min_x)
walk.min_x = x;
else if (x > walk.max_x)
walk.max_x = x;
if (y < walk.min_y)
walk.min_y = y;
else if (y > walk.max_y)
walk.max_y = y;
point = { x, y };
return walk;
With a bit more effort, we can make this into an interactive Qt application. Pressing Return generates a new image.
The image is viewed at the native resolution of the screen it's displayed on, i.e. it maps to physical device pixels. The image is not scaled. Instead, it is rotated when needed to better fit into the screen's orientation (portrait vs landscape). That's for portrait monitor aficionados :)
#include <QtWidgets>
QImage renderWalk(const Walk& walk, Qt::ScreenOrientation orient)
using std::swap;
auto width = walk.max_x - walk.min_x + 3;
auto height = walk.max_y - walk.min_y + 3;
bool const rotated = (width < height) == (orient == Qt::LandscapeOrientation);
if (rotated) swap(width, height);
QImage image(width, height, QPixmap(1, 1).toImage().format());
QPainter p(&image);
if (rotated) {
p.translate(width, 0);
p.translate(-walk.min_x, -walk.min_y);
auto constexpr hueStep = 1.0/720.0;
qreal hue = 0;
int const huePeriod = walk.points.size() * hueStep;
int i = 0;
for (auto& point : walk.points) {
if (!i--) {
p.setPen(QColor::fromHsvF(hue, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5));
hue += hueStep;
i = huePeriod;
p.drawPoint(point.x, point.y);
return image;
#include <ctime>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QLabel view;
view.setStyleSheet("QLabel {background-color: black;}");;
auto const refresh = [&view] {
auto *screen = view.screen();
auto orientation = screen->orientation();
auto pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage(renderWalk(makeWalk(), orientation));
QShortcut enter(Qt::Key_Return, &view);
QObject::connect(&enter, &QShortcut::activated, &view, refresh);
return a.exec();