Well, I am trying to get the default date format of a culture.
For example en-us has "m/dd/yyyy" , en-uk 'd/mm/yyyy'. Culture could be anything at the client machine. and Dateformat can also be anything. like for Culture is en-us but dateformat is dd-MMM-yyyy.
so this case I want to get the ShortDateformatString as m/dd/yyyy not dd-MMM-yyyy.
I tried do this for all the culture by using:
string _cultureInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.IetfLanguageTag;
CultureInfo shortDatefomatString = new CultureInfo(_cultureInfo);
string old = shortDatefomatString.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern;
but it always returns mt the dd-MMM-yyyy
. i need the default one not the set on the machine.