In Delphi's object inspector, I see an asterisk behind a property name (ConnectionName*
How does it get there, and above all: what does it mean?
In the sourcecode for TMySQLConnection I don't see anything special, so I guess it's some design-time thing?
It has something to do with the contents of the TSQLConnection.
To reproduce, paste the code below on a form.
After some playing around, I conclude that the asterisk appears when the Params property gets edited so that it doesn't have the default values any longer. It's still a mystery to me how this is achieved though.
object SQLConnection1: TSQLConnection
ConnectionName = 'MySQLConnection'
DriverName = 'MySQL'
LoginPrompt = False
Params.Strings = (
'DriverPackageLoader=TDBXDynalinkDriverLoader,DbxCommonDriver190.' +
'DriverAssemblyLoader=Borland.Data.TDBXDynalinkDriverLoader,Borla' +
'nd.Data.DbxCommonDriver,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicK' +
'MetaDataPackageLoader=TDBXMySqlMetaDataCommandFactory,DbxMySQLDr' +
'MetaDataAssemblyLoader=Borland.Data.TDBXMySqlMetaDataCommandFact' +
'ory,Borland.Data.DbxMySQLDriver,Version=,Culture=neutral' +
Left = 48
Top = 24
property was edited. – CleareyedParams
does show the asterisk. Nice detective work! You should post a self-answer. – Koehn