I'm having an issue storing the output of docker run -it -d -p 43211:3000 --name appname -h hostname -v $PWD/local_dir:/root/remote_dir repo/imagename
in a BASH varibale. I tried `backticks`, I also tried running it like the official docs say BASH_VAR=$(docker run ...)
, I even tried storing the output in a file with docker run --...>$FILE_DESCRIPTOR
, but no luck storing the error situation, the situation when the name is already used by another container, like so:
$ FATA[0000] Error response from daemon: Conflict. The name "appname" is already in use by container 7c84d8d703c8. You have to delete (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
I want to say that it works for the success situation, so I'm able to store in BASH_VAR
the full container ID, upon running the application successfully, but unfortunately this solves only half the problem I'm facing.
Any help would be appreciated.
output=$(docker run -it -d -p 43211:3000 --name appname -h hostname -v $PWD/local_dir:/root/remote_dir repo/imagename 2>&1)
work for you?2>&1
redirects stderr to stdout. – Luminousscript
to emulate an interactive terminal. – Peristyle