I am building an agent-based model with R but I have memory issues by trying to use large objects. In particular, 8 3D arrays are created at initialization and at each time step each 3D array is filled by different functions.
For the moment, the ABM runs over 1825 days and 2500 individuals are simulated to move across the landscape. There are 1000 cells in the landscapes. With this configuration, I don't have memory issues.
At initialization,
1 3D array is like:
h <- array(NA, dim=c(1825, 48, 2500), dimnames=list(NULL, NULL, as.character(seq(1, 2500, 1)))) ## 3th dimension = individual ID
1 3D array is like:
p <- array(NA, dim=c(1825, 38, 1000), dimnames=list(NULL, NULL, as.character(seq(1, 1000, 1)))) ## 3th dimension = cell ID
6 3D arrays are like:
t <- array(NA, dim=c(1825, 41, 2500), dimnames=list(NULL, NULL, as.character(seq(1, 2500, 1)))) ## 3th dimension = individual ID
The arrays contain character/string data types.
Ideally, I would like to increase the number of individuals and/or number of patches, but this is impossible due to memory issues. It seems that there are some tools available like bigmemory
, gc
to manage memory. Are these tools efficient? I’m a beginner in programming and I don’t have experience in managing memory and high performance computing. Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks for your time.
sessionInfo() R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
package can handle multi dimensional arrays, but i would also consider theff
package. – Bourse