I am trying to do a POST request on my flutter application using the Http package. I tested my request first on the Api sandbox website, and then in Postman. It works well there, but once in Flutter, I always get a 400 Bad Request.
Here is my code in Flutter:
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
import 'package:wave_app/env/secrets.dart';
import 'package:wave_app/models/momo_token.dart';
String url = "https://sandbox.momodeveloper.mtn.com/collection/v1_0/requesttopay";
var uuid = Uuid();
String requestId = uuid.v4();
MomoToken token = await _createMomoNewTokenCollection();
String auth = "Bearer " + token.accessToken;
Map<String, String> headers = {
"Authorization": auth,
"X-Target-Environment": "sandbox",
"X-Reference-Id": requestId,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": momoCollectionSubscriptionKey
String jsonBody = '{"amount": "5","currency": "EUR", "externalId": "123", "payer": {"partyIdType": "MSISDN","partyId": "46733123454"}, "payerMessage": "tripId-123456","payeeNote": "driverId-654321"}';
Response response = await post(url, headers: headers, body: jsonBody);
int statusCode = response.statusCode;
print("STATUS CODE REQUEST TO PAY " + statusCode.toString());
if (statusCode == 202) {
return response.body.toString();
} else {
return null;
The api doc is here: https://momodeveloper.mtn.com/docs/services/collection/operations/requesttopay-POST?
And here is the code in curl of my Postman request (using the same variable above requestId, auth, momoCollectionSubscriptionKey)
curl --request POST \
--url https://sandbox.momodeveloper.mtn.com/collection/v1_0/requesttopay \
--header 'Accept: */*' \
--header 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSMjU2In0.eyJjbGllbnRJZCI6IjFmY2MzMjBhLTM0NWQtMTFlYS04NTBkLTJlNzI4Y2U4ODEyNSIsImV4cGlyZXMiOiIyMDIwLTAxLTExVDE1OjU3OjE4Ljc3NyIsInNlc3Npb25JZCI6ImZmYzc1OGE2LTM2MWEtNDM4ZS1hYjE5LWQ1ZGQ4ZmU4ZjEyOSJ9.DeoJyU6Hb0he_or1XeBxW-6s-xwdtmi0cUrYjQe0Z796bIGvvT-VJ214JaZItG-CBQpgv7dHbLfXNqr8D05Q7U9XiOtpr8mtYWQlY-MseGIHAyxp1qBuQkwjmBYBlDxQOYYfzG9SZ8tGFUI1_k59LMNYIhDlXXKa68Ym1sylZ8wfWjGuHaKVzMEH25ubiBwCLev5IHPchuF3toVP99U-HC8t95E3zrEt9dHgzn0hnwvpB31wcsu_b3vb-YZ1idHgosPc2GmKFsDruX14VniKBicCsnGHqZAkSPXwaOR6SIn4JZEEwhAIj3Oe2H5dwxloiX5rzaApdkwEg6KSoBXk8A' \
--header 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
--header 'Connection: keep-alive' \
--header 'Content-Length: 194' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Host: sandbox.momodeveloper.mtn.com' \
--header 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 281eb****************' \
--header 'Postman-Token: ece19062-1f0b-4873-a3ed-1bd4ada8746a,528004b2-410d-4653-9909-5197a3dc95db' \
--header 'User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.20.1' \
--header 'X-Reference-Id: 062f8aad-f529-4d0a-804c-affb888c2b8b' \
--header 'X-Target-Environment: sandbox' \
--header 'cache-control: no-cache' \
--data '{\r\n "amount": "5",\r\n "currency": "EUR",\r\n "externalId": "123",\r\n "payer": {\r\n "partyIdType": "MSISDN",\r\n "partyId": "46733123454"\r\n },\r\n "payerMessage": "hi",\r\n "payeeNote": "hi"\r\n}'
On postman and their website, I always get a 202 Accepted response. I am not sure, what I'm doing wrong here. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
------------ EDIT -------------------
I also tried with HttpClient, here is the code, but still got 400 Bad Request
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
HttpClientRequest request = await httpClient.postUrl(Uri.parse(url));
request.headers.set("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.accessToken);
request.headers.set('content-type', 'application/json');
request.headers.set("X-Target-Environment", "sandbox");
request.headers.set("X-Reference-Id", requestId);
request.headers.set("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", momoCollectionSubscriptionKey);
HttpClientResponse response = await request.close();
print("STATUS CODE " + response.statusCode.toString() + " " + response.reasonPhrase);
String reply = await response.transform(utf8.decoder).join();
print("REPLY " + reply);
will modify the content type in two ways. (1) it will lower case the header name tocontent-type
and (2) it will change the value toapplication/json; charset=utf-8
. Tweak your curl command to mimic these and see if it succeeds or fails. If the problem is (2) the solution is easy: changebody: jsonBody
tobody: utf8.encode(jsonBody)
. The solution to (1) is trickier. – Translationocp-apim-subscription-key
– Translationdart:io HttpClient
(which is used bypackage:http
under the hood) - it doesn't modify the header names, but you end up with a few more lines of boilerplate. Also trypackage:dio
. I've never used it but I don't think it changes the header name case. Lastly, also complain to the API owner. Currently it violates the RFC by expecting a certain case of header name. – Translation