I am using this code to get geographical addresses:
private String getAddress(Location location)
List<Address> addresses = new Geocoder(this,Locale.getDefault()).getFromLocation(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude(), 1);
String address="Address not available";
for(int i=0;i<addresses.size();i++)
Address addre=addresses.get(i);
String street=addre.getAddressLine(0);
String city=addre.getLocality();
if(city==null) city="";
String state=addre.getAdminArea();
if(state==null) state="";
String country=addre.getCountryName();
if(country==null) country="";
address=street+", "+city+", "+state+", "+country;
return address;
catch (Exception e) {
return "Address not available";
return "Address not available";
Earlier I was getting an address list returned, but now I get, every time, this exception:
java.io.IOException unable to parse response from server
Please help.