@Alastair is correct, the mute toggle switch does mute WebAudio, but it does not mute HTML5 tags. Thanks to his work I managed to find a work around for the web which enables WebAudio to play even when the mute toggle switch is on. I'd post this as a comment on his reply, but I don't have the reputation.
In order to play WebAudio you must also play at least one WebAudio sound source node and one HTML5 tag during a user action. It is fine if these sounds are short bits of silence. I found that this self contained code works without any extra files needed:
EDIT 11/29/19:
Removed vestigial typescript typedefs. Thanks @Joep. I also realized the code below is woefully out of date and janky. Just consider it an example. Editing this post prompted me to create an open source solution for this. You can see a demo of it here: https://spencer-evans.com/share/github/unmute/ and check out the repo here: https://github.com/swevans/unmute
* If you want a drop in solution I have a script on git hub
* Demo:
* @see https://spencer-evans.com/share/github/unmute/
* Github Repo:
* @see https://github.com/swevans/unmute
var isWebAudioUnlocked = false;
var isHTMLAudioUnlocked = false;
function unlock() {
if (isWebAudioUnlocked && isHTMLAudioUnlocked) return;
// Unlock WebAudio - create short silent buffer and play it
// This will allow us to play web audio at any time in the app
var buffer = myContext.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050); // 1/10th of a second of silence
var source = myContext.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = buffer;
source.onended = function()
console.log("WebAudio unlocked!");
isWebAudioUnlocked = true;
if (isWebAudioUnlocked && isHTMLAudioUnlocked)
console.log("WebAudio unlocked and playable w/ mute toggled on!");
window.removeEventListener("mousedown", unlock);
// Unlock HTML5 Audio - load a data url of short silence and play it
// This will allow us to play web audio when the mute toggle is on
var silenceDataURL = "data:audio/mp3;base64,//MkxAAHiAICWABElBeKPL/RANb2w+yiT1g/gTok//lP/W/l3h8QO/OCdCqCW2Cw//MkxAQHkAIWUAhEmAQXWUOFW2dxPu//9mr60ElY5sseQ+xxesmHKtZr7bsqqX2L//MkxAgFwAYiQAhEAC2hq22d3///9FTV6tA36JdgBJoOGgc+7qvqej5Zu7/7uI9l//MkxBQHAAYi8AhEAO193vt9KGOq+6qcT7hhfN5FTInmwk8RkqKImTM55pRQHQSq//MkxBsGkgoIAABHhTACIJLf99nVI///yuW1uBqWfEu7CgNPWGpUadBmZ////4sL//MkxCMHMAH9iABEmAsKioqKigsLCwtVTEFNRTMuOTkuNVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV//MkxCkECAUYCAAAAFVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV";
var tag = document.createElement("audio");
tag.controls = false;
tag.preload = "auto";
tag.loop = false;
tag.src = silenceDataURL;
tag.onended = function()
console.log("HTMLAudio unlocked!");
isHTMLAudioUnlocked = true;
if (isWebAudioUnlocked && isHTMLAudioUnlocked)
console.log("WebAudio unlocked and playable w/ mute toggled on!");
window.removeEventListener("mousedown", unlock);
var p = tag.play();
if (p) p.then(function(){console.log("play success")}, function(reason){console.log("play failed", reason)});
window.addEventListener("mousedown", unlock);