I'm trying to implement XYTextAnnotation in DynamicTimeSeriesCollection. I have no idea how to find X value of series in DynamicTimeSeriesCollection. My code so far:
DynamicTimeSeriesCollection dataset = new DynamicTimeSeriesCollection(1, 60, new Minute());
final JFreeChart result = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(TITLE, "A", "B", dataset, true, true, false);
float[] series1Small = new float[10];
dataset.setTimeBase(new Minute(1, 1, 1, 1, 2013));
JFreeChart result = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(TITLE, "Время", "Платежи", dataset, true, true, false);
final XYPlot plot = result.getXYPlot();
-----------------------------------------------------------Below line doesn't work.
TimeSeriesDataItem item1 = series1.getDataItem(series1.getItemCount() - 1);
This is a function that used to work for annotation with TimeSeriesCollection.
public static void createAnnotation(TimeSeriesDataItem item,XYPlot plot)
double xAnnotation = item.getPeriod().getFirstMillisecond();
double yAnnotation = item.getValue().doubleValue();
XYTextAnnotation annotation = new XYTextAnnotation(item.getValue().toString(), xAnnotation, yAnnotation);
annotation.setFont(new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,11));
variable? – Nephron